Carolyn Davison

Ph.D. Candidate in Cognitive Neuropsychology

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

EDI Instructor Toolkit Developer
I worked with a small team to develop a resource of best practices for course instructors to reference when developing their undergraduate psychology courses. The toolkit includes evidence-based policies that promote an equitable and accessible learning  environment as well as curated suggestions for course materials written by authors of diverse backgrounds.

Rotman Research Institute Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee
Graduate Student Representative

- Research Training Center and Rounds Liaison
- RRI Strategic Plan EDI Statement and Mission

University of Toronto Psychology Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Committee Member

Diversify, Decolonize, and Unsettle Our Syllabi
- Supporting Undergraduate Research Assistants

Course Instructor and Judge
SPRINT is a program for high school students interested in pursuing psychology degrees that targets underrepresented students and aims to give them a head start to combat systemic barriers they may be facing. See Teaching section for more details.